Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Carthorpe Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 20, you are viewing 1 - 10


address Wits End Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LH
description Outline application with some matters reserved for the construction of 2 No (self build) Bungalows.
area Hambleton
start date 24/01/2025
decision Currently Unavailable


address Victorian Studio Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LD
description Application for the removal of condition 3 (obscured glazing) of previously approved application: ZB24/01710/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 31/12/2024
decision Granted - 25/02/2025


address Land And Buildings Opposite Breach House Moor Lane Carthorpe North Yorkshire
description Application to determine if prior approval is required for the proposed change of use of the existing agricultural buildings to a dwelling and for building operations (including some partial demolition) which is reasonably necessary for this conversion
area Hambleton
start date 23/12/2024
decision Currently Unavailable


address Brickyard Farm Mires Lane Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2RW
description Demolition of existing farmhouse and construction of a replacement farm dwelling
area Hambleton
start date 12/11/2024
decision Currently Unavailable


address Somerset House 4 Croft Hill Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2PL
description Application to demolish existing single storey double garage and replace with 2 storey extension
area Hambleton
start date 15/10/2024
decision Granted - 12/12/2024


address Victorian Studio Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LD
description Retrospective application for the approval of a side facing bi-fold door. Seek permission to replace the front facing glazed screen with new and install brick boundary wall, post & retractable screen.
area Hambleton
start date 03/09/2024
decision Granted - 24/10/2024


address Victorian Studio Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LD
description Retrospective application for the approval of a side facing bi-fold door and fence/gates to driveway. Also seeking planning approval to replace the front facing glazed screen with new.
area Hambleton
start date 21/06/2024
decision Refused - 16/08/2024


address Oak Park Kirklington Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LS
description Application for Removal or Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) following Grant of Planning Permission ZB23/02264/FUL
area Hambleton
start date 03/06/2024
decision Granted - 01/08/2024


address Yorkshire Water Carthorpe Sewage Treatment Works New Inn Lane Carthorpe North Yorkshire DL8 2LR
description Application for the Erection of 1 Number Motor Control Centre (MCC) Kiosk
area Hambleton
start date 31/05/2024
decision Granted - 26/07/2024


address Holmgarth House Carthorpe Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2LF
description Rear extension and internal alterations
area Hambleton
start date 25/04/2024
decision Granted - 17/06/2024

Data last updated: 16/03/2025 09:46:58